Ash Lynette is the Director of Development for the Ella Baker Center, a non-profit in Oakland CA dedicated to organizing with Black, Brown, and low-income people to shift resources away from prisons and punishment, and towards opportunities that make our communities safe, healthy, and strong.

Thesis overview

Goal: To understand the ways participatory policy research is being done, and to understand what the possibilities may look like in utilizing restorative frameworks and creative interventions to make the research better, and even healing for participants.

Outcome goal: Research and outcomes that are more effective and democratic

Process goal: Design processes for research that empower and provide healing to the participants.


Create processes and methods for restorative research

Shift research beyond participatory towards collective healing

Enhance participatory research through restorative frameworks


Stamps campaign- resource organizers inside share things like stamps and folks outside match donations. matching grant of 25k

big restructure happened

more important to tell the story of how they organized

make sure you have something thats just yours

creating space to not be thinking and just doing

taking time to integrate all the things