
Feb 14

I am thinking about weaving together as a means of connection. I am interested in creating an experience that pairs restorative practices, and experiential art in order to visualize, and analyze connections through story telling. This experiment will hopefully feel creative and connecting for people, and offer a new way of learning about others through shared experience and collaboration.

My vision is to have 4 people sit in circle, each having 3 question prompts to share and answer themselves. In the middle of everyone is a circle with string attached at 12 spots. If something that a person says resonates with you, or you connect with the story, you join your vertex and their vertex with string. By the end, we will have a physical archive of connection and relationship building through shared story.

Screen Shot 2023-02-14 at 9.02.50 AM.png

Attendance secured:

Brenneis Nesbitt- CJI Restorative Justice Facilitator

Dasha Zlochevsky- CJI data researchers

Laura Ceron Melo- Art and Resistance through Education with the Fortune Society

Amy Dallas- Vera Institute, previous public defender

Feb 15

I picked up supplies to make the woven circle. Today I am going to think about questions. I am leaning towards theming the experience around healing justice. I want to think about what i want to take from the experience as well. Should I be writing down notes, or will the string connections provide me some sort of insights or data?

Feb 16

Today I created the activity. I started to feel imposter syndrome come up, and some jitters. I feel really touched that these people that I look up to in a lot of ways are willing to give their time to help me with my exploration.




I sent a group message giving location and time details. I am also going to be making brunch for everyone. It will such a cute morning and I think I will most likely cry.

Everyone has confirmed 👍🏼